How we will live in 2020

I love keeping up with what's happening in design and found this information from IFDA (International Furniture and Design Association) about how we will be living in the year 2020.  Read on, it's very interesting!!

McMansions are so last century! - Americans will be living in smaller spaces with fewer rooms


 Formal living rooms are going extinct

Kiss your dining room goodbye. The space will be put to multiple other uses

Separate rooms are disappearing. Spaces of the future will serve many different purposes
Furniture goes multi-purpose. Modular, moveable and smaller-scaled furniture will overtake built-ins and big pieces. Interest in ergonomic designs created to cradle the human body will increase and, thankfully, almost no furniture will be designed with the idea of being disposable
Eat-in kitchens will be the norm. More than half of IFDA’s members expect eat-in kitchens to replace formal dining rooms. They also expect kitchens to grow larger to accommodate bigger crowds and Americans' increased interest in cooking at home
Spa baths draw big interest. The trend toward larger bath spaces has slowed down but the majority expects luxury bath accommodations, like spa showers and high-tech fixtures, to increase in popularity
Master bedroom suites won’t be bigger, but they will get busier. This space too will see the infiltration of other purposes, sharing time as home office, media center or exercise room
Everyone works from home. While the home office has already earned status as a given in design, forecasters expect the future will see more than one home office under every roof
High-tech is here to stay. An impressive 97% of IFDA respondents believe that by 2020 many home furnishings will be activated by means such as voice and sensor. Prime candidates for remote control/motorized operation are lighting, entertainment gear, environmental controls and window treatments
Outdoor living is still all the rage, provided it is low maintenance.  Outdoor living spaces are expected to expand even further but not so much with costly, high-maintenance items like swimming pools and hot tubs. Expectations are for increased space devoted to low-maintenance landscaping and functional gardens
2020 is only about 8 years away!  I can't wait to see if these predictions become reality!