Interior Design Across the Miles

As mentioned in my last post, we've been fortunate to be part of a Design Mastermind Group and have met many great designers from all over the country (and Canada).  This is the first in our series of  "Design Across the Miles" introducing you to members of our group and giving you a small sampling of their design business and some of their beautiful spaces.

This is Jennifer Brouwer from Markham, Ontario.  She states that her firm has a simple promise: "Responsible interior design that will make you happy. And everyone who sees it…envious".   Jennifer was a nurse, believing it was an honorable profession but hated it almost from day one.  She realized her true love, and what she was really talented in, was interior design.

Here are a few of my personal favorite spaces designed by Jennifer:

And one of Jen's newest projects........... her personal home office

A black ceiling, a Burberry inspired painted wall treatment and fire engine red accessories!!

You can learn more about Jennifer through her website, twitter, or design blog