My February Trip to Scott's Antique Market

Here's my view on the antique market adventure - it really makes you think outside the box for design. What's old is new again right? My brain starts to spin with ideas - what could I do with THAT?

A big table of interesting driftwood pieces greeted us at the entrance to the North Building of Scott's Antique Market this month. My friend Amy purchased two pretty pieces to display on an antique sideboard in her living room.


Here's another cool idea for driftwood from Creative Soul Spectrum.


I love this idea of putting mirrors inside vintage silver trays and plates and hanging them in a gallery.  These are sold by Stephanie Williams of The Iron Maiden in Newnan, GA.


Thanks in part to the popular TV show Mad Men, the mid century look is back in style. If I had a place for this chair in my house, I would have purchased it!  Restored by Andy Morris and Bryan Craig of Urban Artifacts in Atlanta, it was SO comfortable.


I just refreshed my office at home but if I hadn't, I would have just put this entire vignette in my car (ok minus one lamp)- fresh, clean and cool! A/S Home Style out of Charlotte, NC has a great booth every month!

office lamps

My friend Sherry Hart is a master at stylizing her design jobs. I love when she incorporates beads like this:


So I was thrilled to meet Barasa Gumaneh from Charlotte, NC who sells African trade beads and clay, glass and metal beads in all sizes.


Amy also purchased this great planter/party beverage stand for her kitchen from a talented welder named Derek Bixler from Eatonton, GA.


My mom always needs door stops in her house. I should have bought these for her.


But my pride and joy purchase of the day was this beautiful water blue jug (stamped 1916 on the bottom) that I purchased for my new screened porch from Brenda Jones of Building Impressions Ltd.


Remember to keep thinking outside the box and making old things new again!
