Holiday Gift Wrapping Ideas!

With the amazing creativity of bloggers and Pinterest, it's not difficult to find great do it yourself gift wrapping ideas this holiday season!  Here are some of my favorites!


If you like working with clay this is a fun one.   See the "how to" on the  Lines Across Blog.

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This will surely make a gift card feel a lot more personal.  Look for the simple tutorial at The Creative Mama.


What a great way to use candy to add interest and sweetness!  - My Home Ideas.


This is a great idea just using black paper and white or chalkboard markers via  Style Logistics


How creative to use Pixy Stix to make a star shape!   See more at Crafting in the rain.

We all know that the gift itself is important, but the way you present it is just as significant!

Many of these creative ideas are not just for the holidays.  If you have any unique gift wrap ideas, pass them along and we'll post them on the blog!

Happy Holidays!
