My Favorite Things - The Style BluePrint Blog!!

I discovered the Style BluePrint blog about 2 years ago and have not missed a blogpost since.  It is a lifestyle publication started in Nashville and has since expanded to Atlanta, Birmingham, Louisville, and Memphis.

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The publication covers home design, fashion and recipes in addition to local shops and restaurants and showcases a woman in the community called the "FACES" series.  We were extremely honored when we were asked to be interviewed for the" FACES"of Atlanta this past September.  If you missed it, click HERE!


Photo by CatMax Photography

Cofounders Elizabeth Fox and Liza Graves like to think that StyleBluePrint is your daily dose of girlfriend talk and that is exactly how I see it.  It's just like a friend telling you about a great shop they found, a new person they met, or sharing a great deal they found in a boutique.

One of my favorite posts is "Fashion 101" where they share subjects such as "how to wear a fur vest" and "top 5 Fashion Mistakes that Age You".  Read the whole post HERE.

We were smitten with one of the Atlanta writers named Katherine Michalak.  Not only is she an incredible writer, she is hilarious!  She had Kelly and I in stitches the day we first met with her.

I thought I would turn the tables a bit and ask HER the questions.


At the Atlanta Humane Society

Kandrac & Kole:  You have quite a gift for writing.  Did you want to be a writer when you grew up?  What was your college major?Katherine:  Oh, thank you very much for the compliment. Yes, I’ve always been in love with words and stories, writing since I learned to hold a pencil, whether anyone had any interest in reading my drivel or not. When I started college at Vanderbilt, I had no clue what career I wanted, but knew I’d always be writing something so I majored in English.Kandrac & Kole:  What did you do prior to working for StyleBlueprint?  How did you start writing for StyleBlueprint Atlanta?Katherine:  I’ve worked in marketing communications and magazine publishing, taught both high school and preschool, as well as handled many volunteer and freelance projects over the years. When my husband suffered a “cardiac event” in 2012, surviving The Widowmaker, StyleBlueprint Founder and college friend, Liza Graves, reached out to me and asked if I’d write about the experience. Within a few months of that piece running, she asked me to join the staff.Kandrac & Kole:  You write about home design, fashion, food, local shops and women in the community.  What is your favorite topic?Katherine:  Stories about community service or spiritual awakening or the mission of a charity foundation -- I’m simultaneously humbled and empowered by those who use their life for a broader purpose, who say to themselves: “Something should be done to help, so I’ll do it!” Personally, I believe that’s why we’re all here anyway… to lift each other up.Kandrac & Kole:  Who is the most interesting person you have ever interviewed?Katherine:  I learn from every story. Every single one. I sat in my car in the parking lot of Fulton County Jail and sobbed for 45 minutes after interviewing Susan Jacobs-Meadows about Canine Cellmates; Jen Hidinger defines the word “radiant” for me now; Sarah Buchanan’s smile gives me hope for the future. Then there are the savvy business women and the creative spirits and the strong leaders … ultimately, I’m not really interviewing them, they’re all teaching me.


At Canine Cellmates in Atlanta

Kandrac & Kole:  What is one of the craziest/funniest things that happened while researching for a story?Katherine:  Hmmm, I’ve had some Lucille Ball moments for sure -- new beauty treatments and exercise classes that showcase my complete lack of coordination, recipes that failed 10 times before a success, pretending not to be nervous and introducing myself to complete strangers. A few of my stories have resulted in wonderful new friendships…which is beyond fun!


At Van Michael Salon

Kandrac & Kole:  Who are you dying to interview that you haven’t yet?Katherine:  You know, I’m not sure there really is that one person. I’m fascinated by the way people find motivation within themselves to follow a passion in life. I see incredible grace and inspiration flow from even the most simple gestures. I feel such a rush when I meet someone who’s thrilled by the challenges of their own journey.Kandrac & Kole:  Give us a typical day in your home with all boys, including identical twins:Katherine:  They are absolutely adorable and hilarious. I’m hopelessly in love with them, but I was woefully unprepared for the reality of living in a pit of testosterone. The odor alone -- a blend of sweat, peanut butter, feet and cheese.  They never stop moving; They leap out of bed each morning and go full steam until they collapse asleep at night. Before I had boys, ‘dirty laundry’ meant clothing worn several times and perhaps soiled with perspiration or food or smudges. Now, ‘dirty laundry’ indicates actual clods of dirt clinging to fabric. BoyMommydom -- not for the faint of heart. Sometimes I catch the gaze of another woman managing her herd and we sigh in solidarity.


The Michalak Family

Kandrac & Kole:  OK - using your question  - What are three things you cannot live without (besides God, family, and friends)?  I already know it’s BabyBoudin - but I’ll let you tell that :)Katherine:  Well, since my three dogs (VooDoo, Bisou & Boudin) are family, they don’t count as answers anyway.

  • Words, whether in books or conversation. If you cracked open my brain it’d probably look like that AP ticker in Times Square. And it never shuts up.
  • Coffee, specifically that first hot cup in the morning. Sipping is a meditation.
  • Humor. I love to laugh and I completely embrace silliness. My favorite sensation is the flutter of breaking into a fit of giggles.


I would love for you to get your daily dose of StyleBlueprint.  You can subscribe to the blog city of your choice HERE!

You can also connect with them via






Happy January!!
