Creative Power Session at Steve McKenzie's

Joann and I have (gratefully) been smothered and covered in design work since we returned back from the holiday. Today we decided we needed to step away from the office to refresh and what better way to do that than to attend a creative power session at one of our favorite Atlanta shops -  Steve McKenzie's!


Today's session was a gathering of about fifty of Atlanta's designers, bloggers, tastemakers and photographers all gathering to discuss marketing and branding of your "personal story" and tips on how to get published. 

Even though Joann and I feel like we are pretty good marketers of our brand, it never hurts to hear a new perspective or to be inspired by a colleague. 

Designer and business/life coach Michele Williams of The Scarlet Thread lead the charge today emphasizing how important it is for all of us creative entrepreneurs to identify and market "our personal story". 


The talented girls of the popular blog Ends in Style (Christina Wedge, Alex Hernandez and Susie Roupe) spoke to the group about the success of their lifestyle blog and the importance of collaboration of talent when it comes to success in the design world. Christina reminded us all that the photography you choose to use on your website, in your marketing material and on your blog is crucial as it is a direct reflection of your brand. Lisa Mowry reminded us (especially the bloggers) to give credit to the photographer of the images you are using! 


We owe a great deal of our success in being nationally and regionally published to our friend Lisa Mowry who is an impressive editor/stylist/writer in the magazine publishing world. Lisa shared some tips today on how to get published.


Just a few: 1) Call/email Lisa before contacting another scout - she will work hard for you! 2) Email her a full range of photos of your project - not just a few 3) The "story" is crucial - send her bullet points (not long photographs) about what is interesting/unique/special about each space 4) Magazines are interested in bathrooms right now 4) The quality of the photographs you send are important - especially the lighting. Don't send the images too big. Email or dropbox is fine. 5) Be patient when waiting for Lisa to work her magic. (We've had projects take 6-18 months to be published). 

We LOVE any excuse to visit our friends Jill and Steve McKenzie. If you haven't visited their interiors and lifestyle shop in Atlanta, you must! (Tip: make it a fun afternoon and go for lunch next door at Miller Union or around the corner at West Egg Cafe.)






Thanks Jill and Steve for hosting this event. It's one of the great things about being a designer in Atlanta - the educational and inspirational opportunities are endless!
